Monday, May 22, 2017

Week 12

IT Threats Over Time

Most things change over time and threats are no exception. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) definition of IT risk is; the potential that a given threat will exploit vulnerabilities of an asset or group of assets and thereby cause harm to the organization. What were cyber threats several years ago have been mitigated by the software companies with security updates. Cyber criminals will adapt their approach as each threat is closed. They will find new ways to attack as technology changes.

Company policy changes over time, this can change the types of threats a company can go through. ARCON Techsolutions stated “Moreover, business requirements, vulnerabilities and threats can change over the time. Thus continuous governance is a must.” (Arconnet) If a company changes its policies or business directions could cause a whole new series of threats. For instance a company starts deploying mobile applications to market their products could open them up to a whole new type of threats they had never thought of before.

There are other threats that businesses have had to adapt to over time. Public opinion can present a greater threat than many physical threats ever could. A data breach has caused some companies to go out of business or lose millions in sales. If the public sees a company in a negative way their sales drop, so they have to anticipate public opinion. Companies have public affair department that will respond to public opinion threats and have mitigation plans in place for what they think are most probable.


Arconnet. (n.d.). IT Risk Management – What’s the catch, what to watch. Retrieved from Arcon:


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